Sunday, August 21, 2011

End of Year English Club Party

Our first baseball/kickball event went so well at the beginning of May that our English Club students decided that they wanted to do it again for the End of Year Party. We met in a different park and had another great day playing baseball and kickball, talking and getting to know each other better, and of course - eating!

Kellan had to participate in the baseball part!

Of course, Ella did too!

Explaining the rules of the game!

Soaking up the sun!

Lots of snacks to share!

Taking a break in the heat! We are not used to heat in May! It drains us!

Enjoying each other's fellowship and relaxing!

Learning to "Country" dance to "Cotton-Eyed Joe."


We decided to give prizes for different catergories to students who participated in our English Club! The prizes were - VIP seats at church, dinner at our home, a trip to the movies with another American, Derrick, and an outing to Starbucks! This ended up being a wonderful thing for building relationships with the students. A middle-aged atheist man actually made use of his VIP seat in church one Sunday and sat on the front row of our church service. We had a great dinner in our home and our pastor was able to share at length with the other students there. The movie and Starbuck's outings were also a hit! Our English Club just started a new year 2 weeks ago. Continue praying for this ministry. This is a GREAT way for us to meet many non-believers in Moscow who are wanting to improve their English skills!

Ella and Derrick - An American college student who studied Russian here for a semester. We miss him terribly! He is now back home in America!

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